ADA Signs meet the federal American Disabilities Act requiring raised letters and Braille on permanent publicly accessed rooms. ADA Braille signs are required for building code and temporary occupancy inspections for restrooms, exits, exit routes, and labeling other key permanent rooms such as electrical and fire riser rooms. Stairways must also be clearly labeled. Permanent hard wall or glass rooms in publicly accessed buildings require ADA Signs. We have produced thousands of these types of signs over the years, all of which complement their surroundings, so we know what's up. We are experts in ADA signage requirements.
What are the current ADA sign requirements? Current ADA Sign codes require 5/8" minimum height upper-case characters in a contrasting, sans-serif font. Signs must have a non-glare finish. ADA Signs have tolerances regarding inter-character spacing (kerning), line spacing and Braille bead spacing. Creative Signs Systems is an authorized supplier of the Classic Braille Bead Method of Raster Braille that includes inserted spheres into the signage to create a smooth Braille experience that is desired and often specified by architects for ADA Signs.
Placement of ADA Signs is clearly specified by the ADA requirements. Sign height is to be sixty inches maximum to the baseline of the top line of raised characters. The minimum distance above the finished floor for raised characters is forty-eight inches. This provides a placement range. We often place our ADA signs at 60 inches to the top of the sign for simplicity and consistency. ADA Signs should be located on the strike (handle) side of the door at the entrance of the specified room at a consistent distance over from the door jamb or mullion for glass walls. Secondary placement would be the hinge side of the door.
The California State Code Title 24 requires a Circle, Triangle or All Gender/Unisex door sign to be placed on the door at 60" above finished floor to the center of the sign. The male triangle and female circle signs are to be ¼" thick and should contrast the door. All Gender/Unisex Title 24 signs have a circle with a triangle on top to create an overall ½" thickness. These signs do not require labeling or graphics, but these can be added upon request. Matching Title 24 door signs to your custom-made ADA wall signs will complete your consistent signage package.
Besides ADA Braille signs, Creative Sign Systems can supply other required signs and services to help with your building occupancy requirements such as evacuation maps and associated artwork services, handicap decals, in case of fire signs, fire extinguisher signs, etc. We also make engraved and printed nameplates, cubicle signs, informational signs, wayfinding signs and labels and decals for office supplies, trash bins, cabinet contents, etc. You name it, we got it or can make it!